A Comprehensive Guide to Gain Weight Naturally:

Tips and Tricks to Help You Achieve a Healthier Body


Gaining weight can be just as challenging as losing it, particularly for those who are naturally skinny or have a high metabolism. Many people, especially those who are underweight, find it challenging to gain weight and struggle to boost muscle mass. However, with the proper mindset and continued effort, you can gain weight and increase your overall strength.

In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss tips and tricks to help you gain weight naturally. We'll also provide scientific information on how to increase your calorie intake to maximize muscle gain. Let's take a look!

1. Determine your calorie goals:

Before starting your weight gain journey, you must know your calorie goals. Start by calculating your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which will give an estimation of the number of calories your body requires to function properly at rest. However, gaining a pound requires an excess of 3,500 calories. To gain weight, you need to consume more calories than you burn. Generally, a calorie surplus of about 500 - 1000 calories a day is enough for gaining weight healthily.

2. Increase your calorie intake:

To gain weight, you need to consume more calories than your body requires. The amount of calories your body requires depends on your age, sex, weight, height, and physical activity levels. Fuel your body with the right macronutrients, including proteins, carbs, and fats. For weight gain, you need to focus on complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean proteins. You can incorporate calorie-dense foods like rice, pasta, nuts, seeds, dairy, and legumes into your diet. You can also opt for calorie-rich snacks, such as granola bars, protein bars, and smoothies.

3. Eat frequent and large meals:

To gain weight, you need to eat more than you usually do. Eating frequent and large meals is one of the most effective ways to gain weight. Try to have at least 3-4 large meals a day. Don't skip breakfast and ensure that you eat within an hour of waking up.

4. Incorporate weight lifting into your routine:

Weight lifting is the most effective way to gain muscle mass and increase body weight. Incorporating weight lifting into your regular workout routine enables you to increase your muscle mass, strength, and overall fitness. Try lifting more than your usual weight and progressively increase the weight.

5. Keep your workout intense and brief:

It's crucial to keep your workout intense and brief. Keep your workouts between 45-60 minutes long. This allows your body to release growth hormones, leading to maximum muscle growth.

6. Get adequate rest and sleep:

Getting adequate rest and sleep is crucial, especially when your body is healing and repairing your muscles. When your body is at rest, it repairs the worn-out muscle fibers, resulting in stronger muscle growth.

7. Stay hydrated:

Drinking enough water is essential for optimum health. Drinking sufficient water helps your body recover more quickly from workouts, enabling the faster regeneration of muscle cells. Drinking beverages with added sugar or unnecessary calories will only lead to fat gain, causing you to veer away from your weight gain goals.


Gaining weight is a long-term lifestyle overhaul that requires determination, dedication and hard work. Keep in mind that gaining weight is not just about eating more calories but eating healthy foods. Incorporate heavy lifting exercises to promote muscle gain and progress gradually in strength training sessions. Lastly, make sure to get adequate rest and sleep and stay hydrated while on your weight gain journey. Follow these tips and tricks to achieve your target weight gain and a healthier body.


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